Teacher's Webinars for EP Teachers

- Enriching Professional Development
- Improving Classroom Practice
- Raising the Quality of Teaching & Learning
Participants :
- Primary & secondary teachers in English Program, Mini English Program, Intensive English Program and other related special classroom programs
- Academic Heads, Heads of English Program or Mini English Program
- School Administrators
- School Directors
- Headmasters
- Other interested school personnel
Registration & Certificate of Attendance :
- Registration must be made 7 days in advance prior to each webinar and registration will be closed when each session is fully occupied
- Certificate of Attendance will be given to teachers who attend until the end of their registered session.
- Zoom Link for each webinar will only be sent to registered emails.
SaturdaySat., 17th July 2021
10.00 - 12.00 hrs.
Facilitating English language learners in English-medium instruction classrooms in the Thai school context : Part 1
For the past decade, there has been an increasingly growing trend of teaching content through English in Thai schools where students are considered English language learners. Past research has shown that students’ English language proficiency has largely affected how they learn content in English-medium instruction or EMI classrooms. Classroom teachers, thus, have an important role in facilitating students’ learning, not only in terms of content but also the English language. In this interactive webinar, we will discuss the reality of EMI classrooms in Thai schools, as well as how content teachers and language teachers can balance between varied language needs of the students and learning goals of the subject.
15.00 - 17.00 hrs.
Storytelling in the Primary Classroom
Storytelling is an essential part of every culture, used to pass on essential tenets of culture and history, and shared values. Storytelling in English is also an invaluable tool for building literacy, as well as providing opportunities to practise the four skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking. In this interactive workshop, teachers will evaluate various techniques to use storytelling effectively as a teaching tool, both in an online setting and face-to-face in the classroom.
Teachers will :
- Gain a better understanding on the value of storytelling in their classroom and how narrative can develop critical thinking skills.
- Consider useful techniques of storytelling to keep young children engaged through a shared reading experience.
- Consider different ways of preparing a story effectively using conventional and unconventional means such as video, props and theatrics.
- Consider strategies to connect fictional stories with the real world.
- Consider how to use storytelling to facilitate literacy development.
SaturdaySat., 31st July 2021
10.00 - 12.00 hrs.
Facilitating English language learners in English-medium instruction classrooms in the Thai school context : Part 2
For the past decade, there has been an increasingly growing trend of teaching content through English in Thai schools where students are considered English language learners. Past research has shown that students’ English language proficiency has largely affected how they learn content in English-medium instruction or EMI classrooms. Classroom teachers, thus, have an important role in facilitating students’ learning, not only in terms of content but also the English language. In this interactive webinar, we will discuss the reality of EMI classrooms in Thai schools, as well as how content teachers and language teachers can balance between varied language needs of the students and learning goals of the subject.
15.00 - 17.00 hrs.
Active Learning for Secondary Classroom in the age of COVID
This interactive workshop will consider the meaning and benefits of “active learning” before moving on to some of the challenges facing teachers in creating an environment for active learning when teaching is online or, at best, only face-to-face for short periods of time. Participants will evaluate a range of activities for implementing active learning strategies, which can be easily adapted for the online environment. We will also consider ways to exploit the textbook when teaching online, and look at a number of websites that offer free resources to help teachers in these challenging times.
SaturdaySat., 16th January 2021
10.00 - 12.00 hrs.
Using English as a Medium of Instruction: Challenges and Opportunities for teaching and learning in the Thai context
English-medium instruction has been adopted in Thai schools in a number of forms such as English programs (EP), mini English programs (MEP), integrated English programs (IEP), bilingual programs, multilingual programs, as well as international programs. Despite the increasing trend in English-medium instruction programs, there has been great concern, especially in using the English language in teaching and learning. Whereas Thai teachers may feel reluctant in using English, native English-speaking teachers or non-Thai teachers can also find it difficult to teach Thai students whose English language proficiency may be insufficient for acquiring knowledge. In this interactive seminar, we will discuss challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning in this context which can facilitate students’ learning in English-medium instruction programs.
14.00 - 16.30 hrs.
Singapore Primary Mathematics Workshop: The Teaching of Fractions
The aim of this webinar workshop is to discuss how to teach selected key concepts on Fractions (Primary 2 to Primary 4), with a focus on fraction as a part of the whole, the addition and subtraction of fractions and fraction of a set. Children’s learning difficulties in this topic and how teachers may address them are also discussed.
There will be some opportunities for teachers’ hands-on engagement. Teachers will also get to see related professional development videos as a tool to help them model good teaching effectively.
There will be some opportunities for teachers’ hands-on engagement. Teachers will also get to see related professional development videos as a tool to help them model good teaching effectively.
Program Schedule
13.50 hrs.
Zoom Webinar Entrance
13.55 hrs.
Welcome Address
by Managing Director, Mr. Frederick Seow
by Managing Director, Mr. Frederick Seow
14.00 hrs.
Sharing Session 1
by Dr. Eric Chan
by Dr. Eric Chan
15.00 hrs.
15.10 hrs.
Introduction to Targeting Mathematics, STRETCH Mathematics & PD Videos
by Senior Marketing Executive, Mr. Ray Ang
by Senior Marketing Executive, Mr. Ray Ang
15.30 hrs.
Sharing Session 2
by Dr. Eric Chan
by Dr. Eric Chan
16.15 hrs.
Q&A Session
by Dr. Eric Chan
by Dr. Eric Chan
16.30 hrs.
End of Zoom Meet
SaturdaySat., 23rd January 2021
13.30 - 15.00 hrs.
Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills 1-6
This webinar will outline how Cambridge Grammar and Writing 1-6 encourages reading skills and scaffolds writing skills, making clear how reading develops writing. It will highlight some of the many engaging activities in the books which carefully lead learners from reading to written responses. Finally, it will trace how embedded grammar underpins writing so learners produce fluid, interesting and accurate writing.
16.00 - 17.30 hrs.
Cambridge Primary Mathematics and Science 1-6
This webinar will highlight how teachers can apply active learning when using Cambridge Primary Mathematics 1-6 and Cambridge Primary Science 1-6. Teachers will find out how our resources empower teachers so they can teach great lessons and help learners to engage, enjoy and develop deeper understanding of what they are learning.
SaturdaySat., 30th January 2021
10.00 - 12.00 hrs.
Post-Covid 19: Challenges and Opportunities for using technology in English-medium instruction (EMI) classrooms
The Covid-19 outbreak has caused one of the largest disruptions in education. Schools, colleges, universities, and many other educational institutions must deal with a number of rapid changes at all levels. Teachers, especially, must find effective ways to deliver content and engage students using various digital learning tools and platforms available. Although digital technology allows students and teachers to work in a more flexible manner, there are also challenges which need to be overcome. In this interactive seminar, we will investigate challenges and opportunities for using technology for teaching and learning in this context. Teaching and learning tools and activities will also be discussed in the session.
14.00 - 16.30 hrs.
Singapore Primary Mathematics Workshop: The Teaching of Geometry
This webinar workshop aims to help teachers learn about the underlying learning theories that shape the teaching and learning of geometry at the primary grade levels.
The workshop takes on an activity-based learning approach for teachers to facilitate similar teaching ideas in the classroom to develop pupils’ conceptual understanding in geometry. Content covered in this workshop includes shapes and their properties and the measuring of angles.
There will be some opportunities for teachers’ hands-on engagement. Teachers will also get to see related professional development videos as a tool to help them model good teaching effectively.
The workshop takes on an activity-based learning approach for teachers to facilitate similar teaching ideas in the classroom to develop pupils’ conceptual understanding in geometry. Content covered in this workshop includes shapes and their properties and the measuring of angles.
There will be some opportunities for teachers’ hands-on engagement. Teachers will also get to see related professional development videos as a tool to help them model good teaching effectively.
Program Schedule
13.50 hrs.
Zoom Webinar Entrance
13.55 hrs.
Welcome Address
by Managing Director, Mr. Frederick Seow
by Managing Director, Mr. Frederick Seow
14.00 hrs.
Sharing Session 1
by Dr. Eric Chan
by Dr. Eric Chan
15.00 hrs.
15.10 hrs.
Introduction to Targeting Mathematics, STRETCH Mathematics & PD Videos
by Senior Marketing Executive, Mr. Ray Ang
by Senior Marketing Executive, Mr. Ray Ang
15.30 hrs.
Sharing Session 2
by Dr. Eric Chan
by Dr. Eric Chan
16.15 hrs.
Q&A Session
by Dr. Eric Chan
by Dr. Eric Chan
16.30 hrs.
End of Zoom Meet
For more information, please contact
Mr. Pakorn at e-mail: [email protected]
Mobile 064-123-4825 LINE ID: aksornepteam
Mr. Pakorn at e-mail: [email protected]
Mobile 064-123-4825 LINE ID: aksornepteam